Our Promise

At Quartzy Blu, our mission is to enhance the lives of women by bringing the potent power of plant medicines, meditation, and sacred rituals back into our daily routines. Back in the day, our mothers had intuitive knowledge of how to bring healing and vitality to the body, mind, and spirit by working with the roots, plants, God, and nature herself. However, we have gotten away from our ancestral roots while dealing with the stresses of modern day living and trying to be everything for everyone while forgetting about nurturing ourselves. This creates imbalances that present itself as sickness and disease in the body. So we promise to nurture you when you need it most.

Our herbal blends are carefully selected for its healing properties. We are committed to sourcing only the finest organic and ethically harvested herbs, respecting the earth that nurture these precious plants.

Our intent is to assist you with healing and reconnecting to your inner self healer and elevating to your Supreme Femininity!